第 109 期 2005-07-27

國衛院十週年暨竹南院區落成慶祝大會演講系列 (2)

會議名稱: 國家衛生研究院十週年暨竹南院區落成慶祝大會
地點: 國家衛生研究院竹南院區 (350 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研 路35號)
日期: 2005年4月26日 (週二)

Session I: Vaccine Development in Taiwan

Dr. Ih-Jen Su, Director, Division of Clinical Research National Health Research Institutes
Dr. Pele Chong, Director, Vaccine Research and Development Center, National Health Research Institutes

影片一: Global View of Vaccine Research and Development
Dr. Michel Klein, CEO, Canadian Network for Vaccine and Immunotherapeutics

影片二: EV71 Vaccine Development in NHRI/CDC
Dr. Jen-Ron Chiang, Director, Vaccine Center, Center for Disease Control, Department of Health

影片三: The Rationale for Flu Vaccine Development in Taiwan
Dr. Mei-Shang Ho, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

影片四: The Development and Challenge of Dengue Vaccine: Immunopathogenesis and Antibody-dependent Enhancement
Dr. Huan-Yao Lei, Professor, Departments of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University

Session II: Prospects of Health Policy Research and Development

Dr. Ming-Liang Lee, Director, Center for Health Policy Research and Development, National Health Research Institutes

影片一: Introduction of Health Policy Research and Development Center
Dr. Ming-Liang Lee, Director, Center for Health Policy Research and Development, National Health Research Institutes

影片二: Health Policy Research and Development in the United States
Dr. Teh-Wei Hu, Professor of Health Economics, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley

影片三: Challenges for Health Policy in Japan
Dr. Toshihiko Hasegawa, Director, Department of Policy Sciences, National Institute of Public Health

影片四: Health Policy Research and Development in Korea
Dr. Bong-Min Yang, Dean, School of Public Health, Seoul National University

影片五: Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy: The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Dr. Martin Mckee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Research Director, European Observatory on Health Care Systems

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