第 144 期 2006-04-07



Session VII: Post-translational Regulations of Transcription Factors
影片一: Role of Ubiquitin-Like Proteins in the Control of Gene Expression
Ronald T. Hay
影片二: Modulation of Nucleosome-Binding Activity of FACT by Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation
Jing-Yi Huang
影片三: Heme-Regulated Degradation of Bach1
Kazuhiko Igarashi
影片四: Phosphorylation of SATB1, A Global Gene Regulator, Acts As A Molecular Switch Regulating Its Transcriptional Activity in vivo
Sanjeev Galande
影片五: SF-1 (Nuclear Receptor 5A1) Activity Is Activated by cAMP via p300-mediated Recruitment to Active foci, Acetylation and Increased DNA-binding
Wei-Yi Chen
影片六: Repression of the Nuclear Receptor Steroidogenic Factor 1 by Sumo-Modification and the Dead-Box Protein DP103
Martin B. Lee
影片七: Sumoylation of p45/NF-E2: Nuclear Positioning and Transcriptional Activation of the Mammalian beta-Like Globin Gene Locus
Yu-Chiau Shyu
影片八: How Daxx Wrestles with CBP in Transcriptional Control
Hsiu-Ming Shih

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