第 377 期 2010-10-28

NHRI announces winners of outstanding posters at 2nd International Symposium Vaccine from Research to Product Launch

本院疫苗研發中心(VRDC)於今年10月7日至8日,假本院竹南院區舉辦「疫苗研發及量產國際研討會(The 2nd International Symposium Vaccine from Research to Product Launch)」。 疫苗研發中心致力於研發新穎的疫苗和免疫醫療法、培育疫苗產學專家,以滿足亞洲醫療保健需要。



獎 次 壁 報 題 目 作 者
第一名 Emulsified nanoparticles containing inactivated influenza virus and CpG critically influences the host immune responses in mice 林智偉
第二名 Cross-presentation of mono-palmitoylated peptide by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells through an endocytosis-independent pathway 宋瑛琪  
第三名 Mechanism of receptor-mediated enterovirus 71 entry 林怡玟
佳作 Establishing detection system of human infectious disease and activity assay of developing vaccines in NOD/SCID mice 王麗姿
佳作 CTL epitopes derived from tumor associated antigen L6 (TAL6) could inhibit tumor growth in HLA transgenic mouse 林思宇
佳作 A method for the preparation of influenza viruses in a continuous cell culture 林婷婉
