第 460 期 2012-06-26

NHRI to hold Retirement Ceremony & Symposium for President Kenneth K. Wu


09:30-10:00 入場
10:00-10:10 鋼琴演奏
10:10-10:15 開場致詞
10:15-11:10 貴賓致詞
11:10-11:30 合唱團表演
11:30-12:00 頒贈獎牌及院長致詞
12:00-13:30 午餐

13:30-14:00   Our Search for the “Ideal Analgesic” in Pain Treatment
        Dr. Horace H. Loh
14:00-14:30  Regulation and Function of Thrombin Receptors in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
        Dr. Karsten Schrör
14:30-14:50  Inflammation and its Resolution, a Case of Game-keeper Turned Poacher
        Dr. Derek W. Gilroy
14:50-15:10  Malignant Melanoma: from Bench to Microscope
        Dr. Artur Zembowicz
15:10-15:30  Novel Sources of Human Stem Cells: Fetal-stage Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Induced
        Pluripotent Stem Cells

        Dr. Betty Lin-Ju Yen
15:30-15:50  Break
15:50-16:20   Cell Signaling in Autoimmunity, Inflammation and Cancer
        Dr. Tse-Hua Tan
16:20-16:50  Metabolism and Cancer Therapeutics: The Portrait of a Dying Cancer Cell under
        Therapeutic Starvation

        Dr. Hsing-Jien Kung
16:50-17:10  Role of 14-3-3 Proteins in Regulating HCC Tumor Progression and ES Cell Proliferation
        Dr. Jun-Yang Liou
17:10-17:30  GM-CSF Inhalation and Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
        Dr. Ryushi Tazawa
17:30-17:50  Caveolin-1 Interacts with Derlin-1 and p97 to Promote Cyclooxygenase-2 Degradation
        Dr. Song-Kun Shyue
17:50-    Closing Remark

聯絡人:秘書室葉晨偉女士(Tel: 037-246-166 ext:32108)