第 85 期 2005-02-04


會議名稱: 亞太消化道腫瘤研討會暨第八屆台灣癌症臨床研究合作組織年會
地點: 福華國際文教會館 (台北市新生南路三段30號)
日期: 93年12月4日 (週六)
主題: Session II: Symposium on Gastric Cancer

Part I: Moderators:
Yung-Jue Bang, Shu-Wen How
The Systemic Therapy of Gastric Cancer: Current and Future Trends

Philip Agop Philip, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University, USA
影片二: Current Status and New Advances of Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer
Tetsuo Taguchi Osaka University, Japan Society for Cancer Chemotherapy, Japan

Part II: Moderators:
Sheng-Fung Lin, Jaw-Town Lin
影片三: Current Status of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Gastric and Colorectal Cancer
Masashi Fujii, Department of Digestive Surgery, Nihon University, Japan
影片四: Role of Nodal Dissection for Gastric Cancer: Taipei Randomized Trial
Chew-Wun Wu, Division of General Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

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