第 109 期 2005-07-27






醫學界目前也在評估中草藥在流感大流行時可能扮演的角色,目前有一些含Phycocyanin 的中草藥及食品,已知可以抑制流感病毒。


95年度國家衛生研究院博士後研究學者獎助2006 NHRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Award



1. 第1年每名每月獎助新台幣7萬1,000元整,第2年起依獲獎者研究表現,逐年調整獎助金額。
2. 每年得補助研究消耗品經費,補助金額以新台幣30萬元為上限。
3. 每年視需要得補助乙次出席國際會議費用,補助金額以新台幣5萬元為上限。
4. 本年度獎助自95年01月01日至96年12月31日止,為期2年。若有特殊原因,得申請延後獎助起始日期,惟最多以半年為限。

1. 申請書乙式二份(含正本)。       3. 推薦信三封。
2. 學、經歷證明文件影本乙式二份。   4. 論文抽印本乙式四份。

申請書表請自本院全球資訊網網站 http://www.nhri.org.tw/ex/award下載。申請文件宜儘早準備(不需備文),並於截止期限民國94年09月30日下午五時正以前(逾時不予受理) 送達台北市南港區11503園區街3號10樓,國家衛生研究院院外研究業務處。若有洽詢事項,請洽本院院外處謝小姐,電話:(02)2653-4401轉23306;傳真:(02)2655-8768;e-mail:award@nhri.org.tw。

全球流感流行研討會 (Symposium on Influenza Pandemic)

會議名稱: 全球流感流行研討會 (Symposium on Influenza Pandemic)
地點: 國家衛生研究院竹南院區 第一會議室 (350 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研 路35號)
合辦單位:國家衛生研究院 、 行政院衛生署疾病管制局 、暨 台灣流感研究小組
日期: 2005年8月12-13日 (周五至周六)

Friday, 12 August, 2005
(A) Epidemiology
1:30-2:00 pm Epidemiology of H5N1 in southeastern Asia / Dr. Sonia Olsen, US CDC in Thailand
2:00-2:10 pm Discussion
2:10-2:40 pm Epidemiology of Influenza in southeastern China / Professor Guan Yi, HK University, Hong Kong
2:40-2:50 pm Discussion
2:50-3:10 pm Coffee Break

(B) Clinical Studies
3:20-3:40 pm Retrospective analyses of clinical manifestations and laboratory features of flu pandemic 1918, 1957, 1968 / Professor Huang LM, NTUH, Taiwan
3:40-3:50 pm Discussion
3:50-4:10 pm Correlation of clinical manifestations with virus strains of influenza epidemic 1995-2005 in Taiwan / Professor Liu CC/ Dr. Chi CY, NCKUH, Taiwan
4:10-4:20 pm Discussion

(C) Virology: Evolution of Viral Strains
4:20-4:50 pm Characterization of Viral Strain in Spanish Influenza 1918 Surveillance of influenza virus in Taiwan 2000-2004 / Professor Shih SR, CGMH, Taiwan
4:50-5:00 pm Discussion
5:00-5:30 pm Strain Evolution of H5N1 avian influenza from Hong Kong 1997 to Vietnam / Thailand 2004/2005 / Dr. Takato Odagiri, NIID, Japan
5:30-5:40 pm Discussion

Saturday, 13 August, 2005
(D) Pathology and Immunopathogenesis

9:00-9:30 am Pathologic Studies of Avian influenza H5N1 in Hong Kong 1997, and in Thailand 2004/2005 / Dr. To KF, HK Chinese University, Hong Kong / Professor Su IJ, NHRI, Taiwan
9:30-9:40 am Discussion
9:40-10:10 am Hypotheses on the Immunopathogenesis of avian influenza H5N1 / Professor Hsieh SL, YMU Taiwan / Professor Lei HY, NCKU, Taiwan / Professor Chang CM, NHRI, Taiwan
10:10-10:20 am Discussion
10:20-10:40 am Coffee Break

(E) Vaccine Development
10:50-11:20 am Selection of Vaccine Strain for H5N1 influenza pandemic / Dr. Takato Odagiri, NIID, Japan/Dr. Pele Chuang, NHRI, Taiwan
11:20-11:30 am Discussion

(F) Anti-virals and non-conventional herb medicines
11:30-11:50 am Potential non-conventional anti-viral therapy for H5N1 influenza / Professor Shih SR, CGMU, Taiwan / Professor Su IJ, NHRI, Taiwan
11:50-12:00 am Discussion
12:00-12:20 am The Synthetic Rehearsal of Manufacturing Process of Tamiflu Starting from Shikimic Acid / Dr. Shia KS, DBPR, NHRI
12:20-12:30 am Discussion

國衛院十週年暨竹南院區落成慶祝大會演講系列 (2)

會議名稱: 國家衛生研究院十週年暨竹南院區落成慶祝大會
地點: 國家衛生研究院竹南院區 (350 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研 路35號)
日期: 2005年4月26日 (週二)

Session I: Vaccine Development in Taiwan

Dr. Ih-Jen Su, Director, Division of Clinical Research National Health Research Institutes
Dr. Pele Chong, Director, Vaccine Research and Development Center, National Health Research Institutes

影片一: Global View of Vaccine Research and Development
Dr. Michel Klein, CEO, Canadian Network for Vaccine and Immunotherapeutics

影片二: EV71 Vaccine Development in NHRI/CDC
Dr. Jen-Ron Chiang, Director, Vaccine Center, Center for Disease Control, Department of Health

影片三: The Rationale for Flu Vaccine Development in Taiwan
Dr. Mei-Shang Ho, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

影片四: The Development and Challenge of Dengue Vaccine: Immunopathogenesis and Antibody-dependent Enhancement
Dr. Huan-Yao Lei, Professor, Departments of Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University

Session II: Prospects of Health Policy Research and Development

Dr. Ming-Liang Lee, Director, Center for Health Policy Research and Development, National Health Research Institutes

影片一: Introduction of Health Policy Research and Development Center
Dr. Ming-Liang Lee, Director, Center for Health Policy Research and Development, National Health Research Institutes

影片二: Health Policy Research and Development in the United States
Dr. Teh-Wei Hu, Professor of Health Economics, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley

影片三: Challenges for Health Policy in Japan
Dr. Toshihiko Hasegawa, Director, Department of Policy Sciences, National Institute of Public Health

影片四: Health Policy Research and Development in Korea
Dr. Bong-Min Yang, Dean, School of Public Health, Seoul National University

影片五: Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy: The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Dr. Martin Mckee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Research Director, European Observatory on Health Care Systems

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