健康知識 蔬果營養與癌症風險的歐洲前瞻性研究 European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Overall Cancer Risk
最近一篇刊登在Journal of the National Cancer Institute期刊的研究結果令許多提倡健康飲食運動的人士感到灰心。這個由歐盟「歐洲抗癌計畫(Europe Against Cancer Program)」贊助的歐洲癌症營養前瞻性調查(Europe Prospective Investigation into Cancer, EPIC),探討歐洲地區蔬果攝取量與罹患癌症風險的關係,研究結果發現每天攝取200公克蔬果與降低癌症罹患風險僅有3%的關聯性,攝取100公克蔬菜僅有2%的關聯性。這些看來微不足道的防癌結果與過去的研究建議有所差異,使得紐約時報與英國衛報(The Guardian)也紛紛下了負面標題。
1. Boffetta P, Couto E, Wichmann J Fruit and vegetable intake and overall cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC). Journal of National Cancer Institute . 2010 April 20.
2. He F.J, Nowson C.A, MacGregor G..A. Fruit and vegetable consumption and stroke: meta-analysis of cohort studies. Lancet. 367 January 28, 2006.
3. An apple (and four other fruit and vegetables) a day …. Lancet . 375(9723):1320. 《文:編輯中心張喬菀編譯;圖:EPIC網站》